Thursday. This morning my knee was sore, pretty much every morning. I think most of it is from trying to straighten the knee. I usually end up with the ice bag on to sleep. I long for the day when I can sleep in a position other than on my back.
I thought I made progress yesterday, but when I got up this morning, it was still a crooked leg. I got up and had breakfast, it was another warm sunny day, I think officially a record for the day. I tried the bike this morning, and went off to PT at 11. We measured first, and then Cassie, one of the PT girls started doing massage. She worked a lot on the back of the knee, hamstrings are a lot of the reason it won't straighten enough. By the time she was done, I think I picked up 10 degrees of extension. They say you want to get to 0 degrees, but 3 or 4 is ok. My left knee is at 4 degrees, and my right one ended up at 8 today. So close, it's hard to tell the difference looking in the mirror. I was really close to cancelling the manipulation, and sticking with just PT. I just don't have a guarantee that it will work, and I just don't know if I want to keep struggling so hard to make the gaines. I also don't know if it will stick.
So, after all this today, we finally decided to go ahead with the manipulation. The directions from the doctor say nothing to eat or drink after midnight, and the procedure is at noon tomorrow. I'm hoping that the progress I have made will minimize the trauma and make the healing easier than last time. I'm hoping they stick to the 23 hour stay for me, and I'll be home Saturday afternoon.
I thought I made progress yesterday, but when I got up this morning, it was still a crooked leg. I got up and had breakfast, it was another warm sunny day, I think officially a record for the day. I tried the bike this morning, and went off to PT at 11. We measured first, and then Cassie, one of the PT girls started doing massage. She worked a lot on the back of the knee, hamstrings are a lot of the reason it won't straighten enough. By the time she was done, I think I picked up 10 degrees of extension. They say you want to get to 0 degrees, but 3 or 4 is ok. My left knee is at 4 degrees, and my right one ended up at 8 today. So close, it's hard to tell the difference looking in the mirror. I was really close to cancelling the manipulation, and sticking with just PT. I just don't have a guarantee that it will work, and I just don't know if I want to keep struggling so hard to make the gaines. I also don't know if it will stick.
So, after all this today, we finally decided to go ahead with the manipulation. The directions from the doctor say nothing to eat or drink after midnight, and the procedure is at noon tomorrow. I'm hoping that the progress I have made will minimize the trauma and make the healing easier than last time. I'm hoping they stick to the 23 hour stay for me, and I'll be home Saturday afternoon.
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