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Day 35

  Monday, stinkin monday!  Jessica, the physical therapist, asked this morning, "how is your knee today?"  I said, Well, another day.  My knee is swollen, stiff, and doesn't want to bend.  Same story, different day I guess.  I think it measured 91 and 7.  I think that's what it was last week.  Not any worse though.

  So, I did the 10 minutes on the bike, back and forth.  Then start the measuring.  We usually do it cold, and then do some stretching and warm ups before again.  Today she had my foot up on a bolster, like a big pool noodle.  Then she would push down on my knee, trying to straighten it out.  That might have been the first time I really made some noise out loud.  I'm talking real pain. 

  Today I did reverse lunges, the total gym is every day, I actually like that one.  I feel like I'm getting some strength back that way, but I sure don't have the ability to go down the same with both legs.

  I still can't get a good night sleep most nights, I can't get comfortable in any position.  I think that part of it might be the foam mattress I bought this year, that turned out to be a big mistake. 

  After PT today, I had Ryland take me to the store, we got a few groceries, and walked around a little.  It's really frustrating to me to not be able to drive, the meds don't have any effect on me, but I guess I don't want to get a DUI.  That would be hilarious, the guy who doesn't drink or smoke getting stopped and having norco in my system.  Sometimes I feel like a child with everyone talking about who's taking me where and when....Like I'm not even here.  This afternoon was a little less pain free, so I hope the night goes better.
