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surgery day

  This is it!  I can't believe this day is finally here.  It's 3:30 am, we're supposed to be at the hospital at 5:30, and the surgery is scheduled for 7 am.  Thirsty, I'm really thirsty. 
  It's 30 degrees and snowing, Emerson will be happy.  I think everyone is nervous, but me.  I just can't wait to get it done, and start getting better.
  God has been really good this year as far as providing work.  Still have a lot of Dr bills from the first surgery to pay off, but we're right up to the out of pocket limit, so we shouldn't have much more to pay after this one.  I know people are praying for us and the doctors, I just wonder how all of us will do cooped up in our little house together for the winter.  It looks like it's going to be a cold one.
  Time for the last hibiclens shower, and then off we go.  Let's do this!
