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Day 15

  Monday, it's hard to believe it's been 2 weeks.  It sure hasn't been an easy time, but I'm still going.  The nurse came today and removed the dressing, she said it looks great!  All closed up, and looking good.  She said I can shower without covering it now, just let the water run, don't scrub it.  Great news I wasn't expecting, I felt like I had to keep it covered for a while longer last time.  She is going to call in a refill for the pain meds, and I feel like that is helping my progress.

  Andrzej just left a little while ago, and he seemed pleased with my progress.  He gave me a couple new things to do, I've already been doing them actually.  He was really pleased with the left knee flexion, I think it was 115 degrees.  I haven't moved it that much in years, that's for sure.  He was very insistent that I continue whatever I've been doing.  He will only be here for the next 2 days, and then I see the outpatient person next week.  Quite a few days without anyone helping me.  Kym was in the room with us today, so she heard it all, and is going to help me keep up with everything. 
