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Day 14

  Sunday.  I really missed going to church today, once again sending the kids off and staying home was weird.  Londynn came home with the boys, it is good to have her back again. 

  I'm wondering if sleeping is ever going to be comfortable again.  Just when I think I have it figured out, the position from last night doesn't work.  I feel like I didn't sleep at all.  I think sleeping without the icebag might be the biggest adjustment so far.  I can't figure out how to keep my leg straight, or bent, elevated, or flat.  I guess I'm just not tired enough. 

  I woke up this morning still in pain, the inside of my knee was really sore, super stiff, just not good.  Lately i've been feeling pretty good when I get up.  I tried stretching, walking, finally doing the pulley exercises, and the stair stretches.  Nothing really helped until after lunch.  After the second dose of pain pills, and some lunch, we went outside for a walk.  We went to the end of the block, and then Kym suggested going over to Austin's house.  That turned out to be a nice change. 

  I have been feeling sort of frustrated about my recovery, and PT progress.  One of the reasons I'm writing the blog is because I don't remember all the details from last time.  Pictures have helped, but I could have used more details. 

  Part of this whole thing is not knowing how I'm doing, not having set in stone milestones to shoot for.  I know all the professionals have general guidelines as far as range of motion degrees, and such.  I'm trying to remember how everything felt last time, and trying to compare to this time. 

  I know that I can't just sit and wait for healing, that that's not how this joint replacement thing works.  I know you have to get everything moving as soon as you can, but you can also go overboard.  Andrzej has been really positive and encouraging, and he seems like he really knows what's up, but I also know he can't feel what's going on inside my knee.  Or can he?  I feel like I'm doing everything I can, but I also know that there's always more.

  Over the last year I've read a LOT or books about wounded combat veterans who have had way worse injuries than me, multiple limbs and other things at the same time.  It seems that some of the common threads among all of them are a belief in God, support of their family, a strong desire to get back to where they were when the injury took place, and an overwhelming determination to not quit.  Just keep going is what I've been telling myself when things get hard.  It seems that a big part of winning is just not quitting.
